The Future Of PC Gaming

There are lot of gadgets introduced at CES 2011 and still announced, but the most ....

Archive for July 2011

MOD Quiz

So Getting a great Experience Of My (So Called) First General quiz THE MOD QUIZ 2011 . The Story Starts Off By Seeing the Face Of Our Favorite Teacher Mrs Suman(Discipline Incharge) Scolding Mayank about his Shoes (And We All Could Not Stop Laughing

Get Rid Of Facebook Sidebar Chat!

RECOMMENDED METHOD:If you havent already installed Google Chrome, downloadGoogle Chrome Hereafter you have downloaded and installed Google Chrome, downloadthis scriptallow it to download (continue) and then finally click Install. After that Restart

Janakpuri Momos – A must try

 After a long and hectic day, I decided to go to Janakpuri C-4/E market for having my evening snack, MOMOS. Dim Sum as many people call it, I hate this name. This place has a lot of eating joints ranging from Chicken kebabs, Mutton kebabs, Paneer

Tips For Natural Glowing Skin!

Diet plays an important role in preserving and maintaining the human body. All parts of the body require a healthy, balanced diet to perform their functions normally. Any change in eating habits or an imbalance in the diet can cause illness and then

Amidst the grandeur

Well well its late to talk about my vacations , but anyways I SIMPLY CANT stop myself . A lil sneak peak at my trip:I left Delhi on 28th and it was the beginning of some of the best days of my life. For the next five days, I visited Darjeeling , Gangtok

Half Of Me!

Half Of Me! I’ve been roaming in a family function all around,Where again those faces I found,Half of them, God! Their smile is so elastic!The other half behaving so sarcastic!Found kids not even half my age,I’m so bored at this marriage!Half a mile

'Zindagi Na Milegi Dobara' Review!

Zindagi Na Milegi DobaraRelease Date: July 15, 2011 ; Friday. Director: Zoya Akhtar Producer: Ritesh Sidhwani, Farhan Akhtar Starring: Hrithik Roshan, Farhan Akhtar,

The "See More" Prank

People Have Found Out new ways to trouble people on Facebook.The Most popular now-a-days is the see more prank.People go to other people's walls and type something important and at the end they tag a page named "see more" which looks much similar to

Moonsoon, foot frenzy!

Come monsoon season and everybody has to rake their brains as to what to put on and step out of the house. Be it clothes or footwear- everyone has to compromise in terms of dressing up not according to what looks best on them but as per the showers allow

Why Did the Chicken cross the road ?

I know its an old joke,but its still awesome and this time its with a scientific twist Aristotle: It is the nature of chickens to cross roads.Isaac Newton: Chickens at rest tend to stay at rest, chickens in motion tend to cross roads.Albert Einstein:

BlackBerry Launching Bold 4 Soon!

The BlackBerry Bold 9900 or Bold 4 (also known as Bold Touch) is a mobile phone developed by Research In Motion and is part of the 9000 device series. It takes design cues from both its predecessor, the BlackBerry Tour 9630, as well as its GSM variant,

Facebook Launches Skype-Powered Video Calling

Confirming our report last week, Facebook has just announced a major new feature that it’s launching in tandem with Skype: video calling.It’s a feature that’s been rumored for quite a while, and it’s one that Facebook is putting a lot of weight behind.

Android The Best Smartphone Platform.

What is Android? Android is a software stack for mobile devices that includes an operating system, middleware and key applications.  Android is the operating system for mobile phones based on Linux.  Android